A less explored approach to cancer treatment | कैंसर उपचार के लिए एक कम उपयोग करा हुआ दृष्टिकोण |

There are three main lines of treatment for cancer: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. However, a crucial fourth aspect of cancer care is the support group. Support groups offer patients the opportunity to connect with others who are facing similar challenges, helping them feel less isolated and more understood. By sharing experiences and insights, patients can learn practical tips from those who have successfully navigated similar situations. This sense of community can provide emotional strength, motivation, and hope, which are essential in the journey towards recovery.

SBRT – Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Oligo-Metastatic Cancers | ओलिगो मेटास्टेटिक कैंसर में SBRT का लाभ |

Oligometastatic cancer refers to a stage where cancer has spread to a limited number of sites (typically up to five). Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) is an advanced treatment that delivers high-dose radiation precisely to these metastases, helping control or eliminate tumors with minimal side effects. The technique of breath-holding during SBRT is crucial as it helps stabilize the patient’s position, reducing tumor motion and enhancing the accuracy of radiation delivery, leading to better outcomes and preserving healthy tissue.

CranioSpinal Radiotherapy for Brain Cancer | IMRT & IGRT | क्रैनियोस्पाइनल रेडियोथेरेपी कैंसर के लिए |

Craniospinal radiotherapy is a highly effective treatment for medulloblastoma, pineoblastoma, and intracranial germ cell tumors, especially when combined with advanced technologies like IGRT (Image-Guided Radiotherapy) and IMRT (Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy). These cutting-edge techniques ensure precise targeting of the tumor, significantly minimizing radiation exposure to surrounding healthy organs and tissues. This approach enhances safety and reduces potential side effects, making it a preferred option for patients. With continuous real-time imaging, IGRT allows for accurate adjustments, ensuring the tumor receives the optimal dose while preserving overall health.

Pituitary Adenoma Treatment by SRS Radiotherapy | पिट्यूटरी एडेनोमा का इलाज SRS रेडियोथेरेपी से |

Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) is a highly effective and safe treatment option for benign tumors like pituitary adenomas. It delivers precise, high-dose radiation to the tumor, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue. SRS is a non-invasive procedure, making it an attractive alternative to traditional surgery, especially for patients who may not be good surgical candidates. The use of SRS for non-cancerous tumors, such as pituitary adenomas, offers excellent tumor control with fewer side effects, demonstrating that radiotherapy is not limited to cancerous conditions.

रेडियोथेरेपी: आवश्यकता कब पड़ती है? | Radiotherapy: Treatment for Cancer in Hindi | Dr. Vineeta Goel.

रेडियोथेरेपी एक कैंसर उपचार है जो कैंसर कोशिकाओं को नष्ट करने या ट्यूमर को छोटा करने में उपयोग आता है। यह कैंसर कोशिकाओं के अंदर डीएनए को नुकसान पहुंचाकर, उन्हें बढ़ने और फैलने से रोककर काम करता है। रेडियोथेरेपी का उपयोग अक्सर अन्य कैंसर उपचारों, जैसे आइए इस उपचार के बारे में ऑन्कोलॉजिस्ट डॉ. विनीता गोयल से और अधिक सुनें।

Breast Cancer: How to Detect? Breast Self-Examination | Dr Vineeta Goel |

Detecting Breast Cancer early is crucial for successful treatment and better outcomes. Regular self-examinations, clinical breast exams, and mammograms can aid in early detection of Breast Cancer. What are the symptoms of Breast Cancer? How should you Self-Examine your Breasts to detect Breast Cancer? Let’s know more from Dr Vineeta Goel, an Oncologist.

Understanding Breast Cancer Surgery & Reconstruction Options | स्तन कैंसर सर्जरी के बारे में जानिए |

In this video, we explore the various types of breast cancer surgery, including lumpectomy and mastectomy, and discuss the timing and options for breast reconstruction surgery. Learn about the differences between immediate and delayed reconstruction, and the factors that influence the choice of reconstructive procedures to ensure the best outcomes for patients.

कैंसर के इलाज के दौरान इन बातों का रखें ध्यान | Essential Do’s and Don’ts During Cancer Treatment.

During cancer treatment, it’s crucial to follow your personalized plan. Don’t copy other patients’ treatments, as each case is unique. Remember, not all chemotherapy causes hair loss; it varies by drug and dosage. Avoid comparing your progress with others, as this can lead to unnecessary anxiety. Always consult your oncologist for decisions about your treatment; they know your medical history and condition best. Trust your medical team, stay informed, and avoid relying on myths or assumptions. Following these guidelines ensures you receive the most effective and appropriate care for your specific situation.

Understanding Colorectal Cancer | जानिए कोलोरेक्टल कैंसर क्या है ?

Colorectal cancer starts in the colon or rectum, often from small growths called polyps that can turn cancerous. Treatments depend on how advanced cancer is and can include surgery, radiation, and medications. Here’s Dr Rachna Jain, Consultant, Radiation Oncology, Dr Vineeta Goel, Director and HOD, Radiation Oncology, Dr Pradeep Jain, Principal Director and HOD, GI and GI Onco, and Dr Mohit Agarwal, Director and Unit Head, Medical Oncology, answering frequently asked questions about colorectal cancer.

Myths and Facts of Radiation Therapy | Breast Cancer Treatment.

Radiation therapy is an integral part of treatment of breast cancer but the myths surrounding this treatment are many. They range from, skin getting discoloured to getting burnt to peeling of skin, damage to other organs etc. With phenomenal technological advances in the field of radiation oncology, radiation therapy has become a simple and safe method of treatment, without many adverse effects To understand what radiation therapy entails, including the when , how many and how long of it, please catch Dr Geeta Kadayaprath in conversation with renowned radiation oncologist Dr Vineeta Goel. Listen in as she debunks several myths surrounding radiation therapy.

मुंह के कैंसर के लक्षणों से राहत पाएं | Remedies for Symptom relief for Oral Cancer.

Symptom relief for oral cancer can be achieved through various approaches. Oil pulling technique, known for its antimicrobial properties, aids in reducing oral discomfort. Opting for non-spicy foods and consuming small, frequent meals can also alleviate symptoms, ensuring better comfort during the treatment journey.

India is the Cancer Capital of the world ? क्या भारत विश्व की कैंसर राजधानी है?

India can be the “cancer capital” of the world due to a surge in cases attributed to inadequate screening measures. Early detection is pivotal in combating this trend along with healthy lifestyle can significantly mitigate the burden of cancer and enhance preventive healthcare initiatives in India.

स्तन परीक्षण य सेल्फ ब्रेस्ट एग्जामिनेशन क्यों है जरूरी? Protect yourself from Breast Cancer at Home.

Self breast examination is a critical at-home practice to safeguard against breast cancer by detecting abnormalities early. It involves systematically palpating the breasts for lumps, changes in texture, or unusual sensations, ideally performed monthly after menstruation. By incorporating this simple yet vital routine into your self-care regimen, you take proactive steps towards preserving your breast and potentially catch cancer in its early stages.

पेशाब में खून आना हो सकता है किडनी (गुर्दे) कैंसर | Know the symptoms & treatment for Kidney Cancer.

Kidney cancer symptoms often include painless blood in urine, a key differentiator from blood in urine due to kidney stones, which is accompanied by pain. Additional symptoms may involve back, stomach, or joint aches, as well as unexplained weight loss. Treatment primarily involves surgery, while radiation becomes necessary if the cancer has metastasized or spread beyond the kidney. Early detection and prompt intervention are crucial for effective management of kidney cancer.

कैंसर के इलाज से न डरें || Don’t fear the Cancer Treatment.

Do not fear cancer treatment, as advancements and technologies have mitigated side effects. Individualized treatment and early detection lead to easier treatment. Avoid myths and opt for treatment promptly, as time is crucial.

सर्वाइकल कैंसर की वैक्‍सीन के बारे में जानिए | Know about CERVICAL CANCER VACCINE.

The Cervical Cancer Vaccine, such as Gardasil & Cervavac, protects against certain strains of human papillomavirus (HPV), significantly lowering the risk of cervical cancer. Administered primarily to young females starting at the age of 9 years, these vaccines have demonstrated high efficacy in preventing HPV infections and related diseases.

Lung Cancer Tests || Treatment || Tumor Board Role || SBRT

Empowering Hope and Navigating Lung Cancer Treatment with Expert Insight from Dr. Vineeta Goel as she unravel the complexities of lung cancer treatment modalities, shed light on the crucial role of tumor board discussion, and explore the advancements in SBRT.

Lung Cancer Awareness || Confusion with TB || Risk Factors & Symptoms.

As November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, let’s dive into fact check about Lung Cancer and clearing up the confusion and shedding light on Tuberculosis and Lung Cancer maze. Also, recognising symptoms and the importance of early screening for lung cancer🫁

How to detect cancer early ? Two Important Points.

Take care of these two very important points as explained by cancer expert Dr. Vineeta Goel in this video. As early detected cancer can be completely cured.

क्या चीनी खाने से कैंसर बढ़ता है? Does eating sugar make cancer cells grow?

There is a widespread myth among cancer patients that consuming sugar or milk fuels cancer cell growth. However, scientific evidence does not support the idea that these foods directly cause cancer to grow faster. Balanced nutrition, including occasional sugar and dairy intake, is generally recommended to support overall health during cancer treatment.