
Blog 2

Rays have been a part of my life as I am a radiation oncologist- I am  trained to treat cancer patients with radiation (rays) therapy and that’s why I chose this title – Rays of hope, happiness and life. In this I shall narrate a story of cancer and lives around it.

Let me share with you a real life story of Gurkeerat ( we used to call him Guru) and his mother Diljeet. We have changed names to maintain anonymity.

Guru was diagnosed with a brain tumour called Medulloblastoma at a  tender age of 10 years and had already undergone brain surgery by the time he came to me. He was brought to me by his maternal uncle “Mama”, Mr Khushwant Singh. When I met Guru first time, I felt little worried as he was young, he could not walk properly, he had balancing issues, issues with his vision as well as gulping food and water was challenging for him. These are some of the signs and symptoms which occur after surgery and generally recovery after few weeks of surgery.

I asked Mr Khushwant as to where were Guru’s parents? He told me that Guru belonged to Gorakhpur and had come to Delhi with his parents for his brain surgery. While they came to Delhi, Guru’s father also required some urgent brain surgery which was being done at AIIMS hospital and so he was admitted there and a set of family members were looking after him. He also said that Guru’s Mom, Diljeet had a very soft heart and was not told about Guru’s diagnosis and she won’t be able to handle this tough situation. I told him that Guru needs to undergo radiation therapy for 6 weeks followed by chemotherapy for 6 months along with daily physical therapy. And he agreed to start treatment without getting Diljeet in picture.

After few days of starting treatment, Mr Khushwant had to return to his his hometown in Rudrapur as his wife and kids were alone at home  and he also had a small job there. Before leaving for Rudrapur, he introduced me to Diljeet, Guru’s mom. 

Diljeet as described by her brother was a soft hearted yet a strong person. Everyday she started taking part in Guru’s treatment which continued for 6 weeks. Along with radiation therapy, Guru underwent chemotherapy, blood tests, ward admissions and Diljeet managed everything well and tirelessly. 

Guru was a loving, chirpy child and was loved by all doctors, nurses and staff. Yet he was little cranky as he was undergoing treatment. Guru used to miss his home, his elder sister and his friends a lot. Diljeet managed it all by herself with complete grit and determination.

After completing radiation therapy and chemotherapy, Guru and his family went back to Gorakhpur and would come to Delhi once every 15 days for his chemotherapy cycles. 

After few months of completing treatment, Guru suddenly slipped into coma and was brought to Delhi and admitted at AIIMS where his initial brain surgery was done. Diljeet called up and informed me about this. This was an unexpected clinical situation as Guru had recovered well after his treatment. I could not hold myself and decided to visit AIIMS and meet Guru and Diljeet. I had tears in my eyes when I saw him at AIIMS, as my little Guru was in coma and had multiple tubes to assist him  for feeding, breathing as well as a urinary catheter. I tried looking in to his case file.

His Neuro surgeon had done a small adjustment in a tube in his brain to adjust pressure of fluid in his brain with the hope that he would improve. This surgery was done a week back and there were no signs of improvement yet. 

I felt sad and hopeless, still tried to give hope to dear Diljeet. Diljeet was happy that I made an effort to meet Guru and even offered me a cup of tea and some snacks she had hidden in the hospital cupboard. Diljeet did not cry or make any complaints, rather she was confident that Guru would improve. Diljeet’s husband and brother had gone back to their respective hometowns and she was managing Guru all alone. 

I started wondering that she is the same lady who was kept behind the scenes by her family assuming that she won’t be handle this. But Diljeet is a mom and all moms are stronger and deeper than what our families and societies assume especially when it comes to our children. Diljeet was rock solid.

Guru was at AIIMS for many months without much improvement and Diljeet continued to be by his side with all her might and we continued talking over phone.

Many month later, Diljeet sent me a bright picture of Guru’s birthday. From the picture  I could make out that Guru was still in hospital, surrounded by his family, doctors and nurses- but my child, Guru was sitting bright , smiling and without feeding and breathing tubes.

I felt ecstatic. I immediately called up Diljeet. She told me that Guru was recovering at a very slow pace in Delhi and treatment was largely supportive so they shifted him to a hospital in their hometown. After coming to the hospital hometown he started recovering quickly -may be as all his family members were around him. In my heart, I wanted to immediately fly to Gorakhpur and meet and hug Guru and Diljeet.

God probably heard my heart felt prayer and an oncology conference was organised in Guru’s hometown. I immediately registered for this conference so that I could meet Guru.

Guru’s family told me that they would send their car to my hotel so that I could come to their house and I agreed. Lo and behold, Guru came himself with his uncle to pick me up. Unbelievable, I went into frenzy of emotions and cried.

Diljeet my dear, it’s your persistence, positivity and care which gave a miraculous recovery to our Guru.

Moms are moms – never under estimate their strength to handle any situation related to their family especially kids.

More energy and strength to all moms.

Guru continues to be fine and is about to get into college. Diljeet and I continue to stay in touch during Guru’s follow ups and on phone also. Guru’s,father also recovered well after his brain surgery. 

Diljeet’s complaints are little different now – Guru wants to cycle with speed, he wants a motor bike, he wants to swim , he likes to dance – both Diljeet and I continue to be by his side with some caution and concern.

Guru I believe has Mehar from his Gurus and his family.
